It’s Deja Vu All Over Again with Chief Justice Roberts — A Statement from CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) about the U.S. Supreme Court Decision

With “CINO” (Conservative in Name Only) Chief Justice Roberts and his Neville Chamberlain leadership of the Supreme Court it is Deja Vu all over again.  Roberts has been the problem all along in allowing our Constitution to be trampled by Obama – in particular Article II Section 1 Clause 5.  Now Roberts has done it again — siding with the liberal wing of the court to “Move Forward” Obama’s fascist and socialist agenda to socialize America and ignore our  constitutional republic system of government to help Obama “Move Forward” to a dictatorial federal fascist socialist form of government.  See below post from the fall of 2010.

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Originally Written & Posted Online by CDR Kerchner @  Monday, November 29, 2010 @ 2:57 PM

A Statement from CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) about the U.S. Supreme Court Decision on Kerchner et al v Obama & Congress et al

For Immediate Release – 29 November 2010 2:30 p.m. EST

A Statement from CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) about the U.S. Supreme Court Decision on Kerchner et al v Obama & Congress et al

The “Roberts Court” of the U.S. Supreme Court in my opinion will be known in history as the “Neville Chamberlain Supreme Court”, the great Obama appeaser court.
Appeasement due to fear that some immediate small amount of veiled and threatened violence from the far left socialists and Saul Alinsky goons, tyrants and bullies, and thus not doing the right thing early on to support the rule of law and the Constitution, ultimately leads to much bigger problems later. History has shown us that over and over. The Obama eligibility matter should have been fully and thoroughly addressed and openly investigated by the investigative reporters in the major media and political parties early in the spring of 2008 during the primaries to get all of Obama’s documents released to the public as part of the vetting process. It wasn’t done.
Congress should have addressed this when asked by 100s of thousands of constituent letters and petitions sent to them and when constitutionally it was required to so under the 20th Amendment. It didn’t. The courts should have addressed the merits of the questions when appealed to early on. They didn’t. Everyone in our system of government chose ignoring the problem and appeasement over confrontation and punted the ball to someone else. Now it is far worse. The Supreme Court has chosen appeasement and inaction over action and dealing with the issue and questions openly in a court of law under the rules of evidence and law. Our constitutional republic and legal system is now compromised and broken top to bottom and bottom to top. And it will only get worse as our legal system and constitutional republic further deteriorates and the rule of law gives way more and more to appeasement of bullies and tyrants in waiting such as Obama and his far left Marxist cronies and puppet masters. Appeasement of the constitutional usurpers will not make it go away. It will only delay the inevitable and fester and grow and in the end be a far worse situation to deal with when the real nature of the tyrant reveals himself in a much bolder way and attempts to take away all our protections to our unalienable rights and liberty. Neville Chamberlain tactics never work with bullies, alinskyites, tyrants, and national socialists.
The U.S. Supreme Court orders were posted at 10:00 a.m. on 29 Nov 2010. See below. Certiorari for our case was denied. The two justices appointed by Obama who in my opinion had a direct financial conflict of interest (their very jobs and appointments to the court) in the outcome of this petition and case did not recuse themselves even though they should have! Their recusal was called for in our petition on page 36 with the relevant U.S. Code cited. The two justices and the court ignored that. There were recusals declared by these two Obama appointees in many other petitions including the one immediately before our petition in the orders list and the one immediately after. Imo, apparently the court needed all nine justices in the room to kill the petition. With the full court of 9 justices it’s the rule/vote of 4 to grant certiorari to move the case forward. With two recusals that would have left only 7 justices and it’s then the rule/vote of 3 to grant certiorari to move the case forward. For information on the Rule of 3 see:  Supreme Court Practices, 9th edition, by Eugene Cressman, et al, page 324. The lawsuit Pryor v United States (1971) is an example case of the Rule of 3 being used.  I suspect the water cooler buzz at SCOTUS was that 3 justices were leaning for granting certiorari. So it looks like Sotomayer and Kagan ignored ethical considerations and stayed in the review of the petition to be sure it got killed, i.e., to be in that room to argue against Certiorari, and to require 4 votes to grant cert instead of 3 … financial conflict of interest and ethics be damned by those two justices. JMHO.

The motion of Western Center for Journalism for leave to file a brief as amicus curiae is granted.
The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied.

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Lehigh Valley PA USA
Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner et al v Obama et al

The Post & Email Speaks with Douglas Vogt, Typesetting Expert, About His Letters to Congress Regarding Birth Certificate Forgery | by Sharon Rondeau | @

The Post & Email Speaks with Douglas Vogt, Typesetting Expert, About His Letters to Congress Regarding Birth Certificate Forgery. WHAT EXCUSE CAN ANYONE MAKE FOR OBAMA NOW? | by Sharon Rondeau | @

We Have a Criminal and Forger in the White House! Why Isn’t Speaker John Boehner Investigating? Call or Write and Ask Him Why He’s Not Investigating! Boehner Needs to Stop Whining and Obfuscating and Lead. Demand an Investigation be Started by the U.S. House of Reps That He Leads! – 27 Jun 2011 Wash Times National Weekly pg 5. See and Get a Copy of the Ad Here:​l-and-Forger-in-the-White-​House-20110627-issue-Wash-​Times-Natl-Wkly-pg-5

Further proof from another expert, Paul Irey a typography and typewriter expert, that Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate that was posted on the White House servers and of which xerox copies were given to reporters on 27 April 2011 is a forgery:

This is not a fringe issue of concern by only a few Americans. In the latest poll, 50% of the American people said they want Obama investigated by the Congress. It is time for U.S. House Speaker Boehner to take action and call for investigations in the House of Reps of Obama’s criminal activities:​d=314585

This weekend, try and watch the recently produced new documentary on the History Channel about the rise of the Third Reich and National Socialist Party in Germany in the 1930s or rent the DVD.  Learn how the people of Germany did not recognize the threat faced to their constitutional republic until it was too late. And then they claimed they did not know.  Well we know the People in the USA know and that the Congress knows that Obama’s true legal identity is in doubt.  And yet Congress does nothing.  I had an eerie feeling watching that documentary that we are living through a similar period of denial and appeasement of evil and threats to our way of life right here in the USA as many of our so called leaders choose not to recognize and confront the socialist, unconstitutional agenda of Obama and his far left Saul Alinskyite international socialists and communists that Obama has appointed and installed in all areas of our government using his Czar system.  Will our so called leader of the People’s House, Speaker John Boehner act to investigate the criminal activities and unconstitutional acts of Obama, the imposter now occupying our White House.  And if and when he does, will it be in time to prevent the collapse of our constitutional republic and economy under the full bore attack on our economic system, rule by executive order and decree by Obama, under the Cloward-Piven Strategy that Obama and camp are using to destroy America as we know it. Obama is gearing up with the debt ceiling crisis for the end stage extreme “manufactured crisis” scenario in the C-P Strategy and socialist takeover plan.  I pray to God that Speaker Boehner awakens to stand up for his oath of office to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC, and takes action to launch full scale investigations of Obama’s criminal activities and bring the criminal in the White House to justice and which with the sunshine of said investigation will lead to the removal of the usurper in the Oval Office.

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)

A 4th of July Message from … We the People | Almost 10,000,000 Views! | by Nospopulus | @ YouTube

A 4th of July Message from …  We the People | Almost 10,000,000 Views! | by Nospopulus |@ YouTube

I Believe The Fix Was In for the 2008 Election and The Cover Up is Still Going Strong and Has Created The Perfect Storm for a Constitutional Crisis!

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)

Watch ‪U.S. House of Reps Congressman Lance Tap Dance and Evade the Questions about the Obama eligibility‬‏ issue | @ YouTube

Watch ‪U.S. House of Reps Congressman Lance Tap Dance and Evade the Questions about the Obama eligibility‬‏ issue | @ YouTube

I Believe The Fix Was In for the 2008 Election and The Cover Up is Still Going Strong and Has Created The Perfect Storm for a Constitutional Crisis!

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)

P.S.  Thank you to Billy from NJ for sending me this. To all reading this, if you attend a town hall meeting this summer with your elected reps, ask your Congress person or Senator the same question or similar question and video tape their answer.  Upload it to YouTube and send me the link.  I will give each and everyone equal treatment before We the People if they continue to disgrace themselves and refuse to support and defend the U.S. Constitution per their oath of office all the while giving us lip service that they are.  The time has come for some member of Congress, particularly in the House of Reps to call for a full investigation of the charges of  identity theft and many other frauds committed by Obama.  We the People demand it.