The Obama Factor | A Q&A with historian David Garrow | by David Samuels

The Obama Factor |A Q&A with historian David Garrow | by David Samuels | @

(02 Aug 2023) — There is a fascinating passage in Rising Star, David Garrow’s comprehensive biography of Barack Obama’s early years, in which the historian examines Obama’s account in Dreams from My Father of his breakup with his longtime Chicago girlfriend, Sheila Miyoshi Jager. In Dreams, Obama describes a passionate disagreement following a play by African American playwright August Wilson, in which the young protagonist defends his incipient embrace of Black racial consciousness against his girlfriend’s white-identified liberal universalism. As readers, we know that the stakes of this decision would become more than simply personal: The Black American man that Obama wills into being in this scene would go on to marry a Black woman from the South Side of Chicago named Michelle Robinson and, after a meteoric rise, win election as the first Black president of the United States.

Yet what Garrow documented, after tracking down and interviewing Sheila Miyoshi Jager, was an explosive fight over a very different subject. In Jager’s telling, the quarrel that ended the couple’s relationship was not about Obama’s self-identification as a Black man. And the impetus was not a play about the American Black experience, but an exhibit at Chicago’s Spertus Institute about the 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann.

At the time that Obama and Sheila visited the Spertus Institute, Chicago politics was being roiled by a Black mayoral aide named Steve Cokely who, in a series of lectures organized by Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, accused Jewish doctors in Chicago of infecting Black babies with AIDS as part of a genocidal plot against African Americans. The episode highlighted a deep rift within the city’s power echelons, with some prominent Black officials supporting Cokely and others calling for his firing.

In Jager’s recollection, what set off the quarrel that precipitated the end of the couple’s relationship was Obama’s stubborn refusal, after seeing the exhibit, and in the swirl of this Cokely affair, to condemn Black racism. While acknowledging that Obama’s embrace of a Black identity had created some degree of distance between the couple, she insisted that what upset her that day was Obama’s inability to condemn Cokely’s comments. It was not Obama’s Blackness that bothered her, but that he would not condemn antisemitism.

No doubt, Obama’s evolving race-based self-consciousness did distance him from Jager; in the end, the couple broke up. Yet it is revealing to read Obama’s account of the breakup in Dreams against the very different account that Jager offers. In Obama’s account, he was the particularist, embracing a personal meaning for the Black experience that Jager, the universalist, refused to grant. In Jager’s account, the poles of the argument are nearly, but not quite, reversed: It is Obama who appears to minimize Jewish anxiety about blood libels coming from the Black community. His particularism mattered; hers didn’t. While Obama defined himself as a realist or pragmatist, the episode reads like a textbook evasion of moral responsibility.

Whose version of the story is correct? Who knows. The bridge between the two accounts is Obama’s emerging attachment to Blackness, which required him to fall in love with and marry a Black woman. In Obama’s account, his attachment to Blackness is truthful and noble. In Jager’s account, his claims are instrumental and selfish; he grants particularism to the experience and suffering of his own tribe while denying it to others. …

Continue reading about Obama’s life-narrative con, deceptions, and fraud and how he is now in his third term and in control of a shadow government with Biden as the front man at:

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More coverage of this Q&A interview article by Dan Bongino:

My comment: The Marxist anti-American radical Barack Hussein Obama (the unconstitutional usurper of the office of President and Commander-in-Chief) is the leader of the shadow government now in total control of our country and the cognitively challenged Joe Biden, and and his administration. Thousands of key positions are staffed by Obama’s “stay behinds” who laid low under Trump and have now resurfaced or returned to office under Biden and are directed and controlled from Obama’s nerve, command center and walled “home” in Washington DC located a few blocks from the White House. What other former President stayed behind in Washington DC and purchased a home in Washington DC after leaving office within blocks of the White House and built a wall around it and set up political offices and operations in it?

The left half of Obama’s brain, Valerie Jarrett a dedicated Marxist anti-American and a Iranian Citizen by birth allegedly lives in Obama’s DC home and is in effect Obama’s shadow government Chief of Staff. Want to know why all the efforts to help Iran again in various ways. Valerie Jarrett is the reason. This was Obama’s plan all along – to get a de-facto third term in which to continue is agenda to forever change our country. And not for the better.

And within the White House itself is Susan Rice, the primary point of contact for Obama and Jarrett in the White House. These top layer key people are the primary leadership of the shadow government with thousands of other Marxists ideologue Obama “leave behinds” in key positions in the administration which are following and implementing the Marxist anti-American radical Barack Obama’s “Dreams From His Father” to destroy America and its system of government and its world economic and military power.

Obama Is The Behind the Curtain Real Current De-facto President and Commander-in-Chief Destroying Our Constitutional Republic and Our Military Power. The Communists and Marxist Always Love to Tell You What They Have Planned Before They Do It. Obama Does It With a Smirk on His Face Showing His Psychopathic Narcissistic Megalomaniac Inner Self.

CDR Charles Kerchner (Retired)
Author: Natural Born Citizen

P.S. Other suggested reading and viewing on being a “natural born Citizen” of the United States:

1. Read, download, and print a PDF copy of this White Paper by CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) about the “natural born Citizen” term and presidential eligibility clause in Article II of our U.S. Constitution here:

2. Or buy my book, “Natural Born Citizen”:

Obama: Kenya My Country – Tussker My Beer – Usurpation of High Office My Lifetime Achievement!

Obama: Kenya My Country – Tussker My Beer – Usurpation of High Office My Lifetime Achievement! The ‘Big Tusker’ in the Room Behind and Controlling Biden That No One Wants to Talk About! Obama’s Third Term Usurpation in Office via Controlling Joe Biden! It’s Not a Pink One but a Big Communist/Marxist Red Revolutionary One!

Click on image for more details about the Usurper in Chief now in his “3rd term” in office via his total control of Joe Biden’s administration. Joe Biden may be the most talked about “Big Guy” but Barack Obama is the other “Big Guy” whose crimes in life and in office have led to the ruination of our country, its Constitution, its borders, its economy, and its military power. Obama is the globalist Marxist subversive “Big Guy” behind the curtain that no one in the DC swamp wants to talk about. And he is totally protected by the enabling mainstream media and thus gets away with it all. Click on the image to see lots of questions needing a congressional investigation and answering.

Also see and read:

And this article about Obama’s Muslim anti-American childhood upbringing in a foreign Muslim country and his duplicity and the ever changing narrative about it, like most things in his life, at various times to suit his immediate needs and financial and political agendas:

CDR Charles Kerchner (Retired)
Author: Natural Born Citizen

Other suggested reading and viewing on being a “natural born Citizen” of the United States:

1. Buy and then read my new book, “Natural Born Citizen” via: … or …

2. Read, download, and print a PDF copy of this White Paper by CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) about the “natural born Citizen” term and presidential eligibility clause in Article II of our U.S. Constitution here:

3.  A chart which lists and explains the five (5) Citizenship terms used in the U.S. Constitution:

4. Being a “born Citizen” or “Citizen at Birth” is not identically the same as a being a “natural born Citizen”:   or

5. Read this essay regarding the constitutional term “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. “Natural born Citizens” are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)”. Adjectives mean something.  All “natural born Citizens” are “born Citizens (citizens at birth) but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: 

6. A Euler Diagram which logically shows the kinds of U.S. Citizens and their set and subset relationships:

7. The “Three Legged Stool Test” for being a Natural Born Citizen:

8. Article II Presidential Eligibility Facts:  or 

9. Watch these videos (Parts I and II) by the renowned constitutional scholar Dr. Herb Titus:   and

10. Read the dozen of legal essays and court briefs written by constitutional and citizenship expert Attorney Mario Apuzzo on being a “natural born Citizen of the United States” and the pretenders and usurpers in three major political parties (Democrat, Republican, and Socialist parties) – who invalidly claimed such birth status – at his legal blog:

11. Read online or download and save dozens of historical papers and articles written over time, some over 200 years ago, describing what a “natural born Citizen” of the United States is to constitutional standards:

“Blast from the Past” — CDR Kerchner (Ret) Speaks on “natural born Citizen” with Radio Host Jim Richards

(Jun. 10, 2023) — The afternoon of the day the White House published an image purported to represent the “long-form” birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama II, CDR Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. (Ret) joined Canadian podcast host Jim Richards to make his case for why he believed Obama was ineligible to the presidency as a “natural born Citizen.”

The eight-minute interview can be heard here.

Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution has three requirements for the nation’s chief executive: that he be at least 35 years of age; that he have resided in the U.S. for at least 14 years; and that he be a “natural born Citizen.”

The term was not defined in any of the founding documents, nor has the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in on point as to who and who does meet the qualification.

The requirement, Kerchner has asserted, was included to assure “sole allegiance” of the chief executive to the new nation created through the colonists’ unlikely victory over the powerful British army in a quest for freedom of religion, speech and assembly in what was a novel experiment in self-governance.

In the 1776 Declaration of Independence, the Framers wrote, in part:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

More than 12 years since his interview with Kerchner, Richards remains at iHeartRadio on NewsTalk 1010, where he hosts “The Showgram with Jim Richards.”

Recalling Saturday how he came to be Richards’s guest, Kerchner told The Post & Email … continue reading the article at:

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CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)

Other suggested reading and viewing on being a “natural born Citizen” of the United States:

1. Buy and then read my new book, “Natural Born Citizen” via: … or …

2. Read, download, and print a PDF copy of this White Paper by CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) about the “natural born Citizen” term and presidential eligibility clause in Article II of our U.S. Constitution here:

3.  A chart which lists and explains the five (5) Citizenship terms used in the U.S. Constitution:

4. Being a “born Citizen” or “Citizen at Birth” is not identically the same as a being a “natural born Citizen”:   or

5. Read this essay regarding the constitutional term “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. “Natural born Citizens” are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)”. Adjectives mean something.  All “natural born Citizens” are “born Citizens (citizens at birth) but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: 

6. A Euler Diagram which logically shows the kinds of U.S. Citizens and their set and subset relationships:

7. The “Three Legged Stool Test” for being a Natural Born Citizen:

8. Article II Presidential Eligibility Facts:  or 

9. Watch these videos (Parts I and II) by the renowned constitutional scholar Dr. Herb Titus:   and

10. Read the dozen of legal essays and court briefs written by constitutional and citizenship expert Attorney Mario Apuzzo on being a “natural born Citizen of the United States” and the pretenders and usurpers in three major political parties (Democrat, Republican, and Socialist parties) – who invalidly claimed such birth status – at his legal blog:

11. Read online or download and save dozens of historical papers and articles written over time, some over 200 years ago, describing what a “natural born Citizen” of the United States is to constitutional standards:

Blast from the Past: A Suggested Narrative – How Obama is Born in Kenya and yet has a Hawaiian Birth Registration Record

Felony Federal Crimes Have Been Committed by Obama.  Click on Image for the Evidence

What Other U.S. President in History Has Government Officials and Family Members in a Foreign Country Saying He was Born There
What Other U.S. President in History Has Government Officials and Family Members in a Foreign Country Saying He was Born There.  None Until Obama!

Blast from the Past:  A Suggested Narrative – How Obama is physically Born in Kenya but still Obtains Hawaiian Birth Registration Record | by CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)

Originally Posted Online: Sat July 11 2009 under my name de plume at that time

First, a comment about my narrative. Very little about Obama’s early life narrative has not been subject to constant change and revision by Obama himself during various stages of his adult life prior to running for high national office to suit his then current agenda and objectives.  As a genealogist of many decades experience and familiar with putting together such things as proven data, unproven data, records, statements of relatives, and other tidbits about a person over time to form a plausible narrative to explain the alleged “facts” given the information in hand  at the moment of writing, and always subject to update as more “facts” are discovered which support or dispute the suggested narrative, I cogitated on the “facts” about Obama as known to me from early 2008 until the early summer of 2009 and finally wrote this in June 2009 to try and explain things.  I thought I’d re-post this suggested narrative, with updates, to try to explain events we’ve seen to-date regarding the Usurper in the Oval Office. If you have Twitter, Facebook, and email lists, feel free to “tweet” or forward this narrative to others. Thanks.

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A proposed narrative to explain the various seemingly conflicting statements by various people made about Obama’s birth in Kenya and birth records in Hawaii

By:  CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Written:  11 Jul 2009
Last Updated:  28 Sep 2015

Underage U.S. teenager in Hawaii gets pregnant via a significantly older married man and foreign national from Kenya which would have been a very unusual event in 1961.

Mother of teenager is in total shock over the event as would have been many mothers of teenage girls getting pregnant in 1961 and says to her daughter you have ruined your life and will make going to college much harder for yourself and convinces the teenage girl to accept the suggestion of Obama Sr. that she should go to Kenya in the 2nd trimester or early 3rd trimester of her pregnancy with the plan to give up the baby to the Kenyan natural family and relatives of the natural father of the child to be raised in Kenya by them.

Mother travels to Kenya either directly from Hawaii or via Canada. If she was indeed married to Obama Sr. as claimed she would have been able to get a British passport as the wife of a British Subject, Obama Sr.  Traveling via Canada would allow her easier access to Kenya since as the spouse of a British Subject she would be flying from one British Commonwealth nation, Canada, to a British Colony. That would make travel to and entry into Kenya much easier. And getting into and out of Canada to and from the USA for an American citizen (the mother) was easy back in 1961.

Sarah Obama, the Kenyan paternal step-grandmother of the child attends Obama’s birth in Kenyan hospital in Mombasa Kenya and is ready to take custody of the child and raise the child for the foot-loose and fancy-free natural father with multiple wives. [Note: The Kenyan paternal step-grandmother Sarah Obama has stated she was there at the birth of Obama II in Kenya and held him in her arms in Mombasa Hospital and also stated at another time that the President of the United States passed through her hands. The birth in Kenya of Obama II is corroborated by many statements by Kenyan government officials such as the Kenyan Ambassador to the USA who stated on a radio show that Obama was born in Kenya. Also several members of the Kenyan Assembly stated such on the record and it is recorded in the minutes of their Assembly meetings.] Many more examples stating Obama was born in Kenya such his own published biography in 1991 and by many other people and many other publications over many years prior to Obama deciding to run for President in 2007 are found at this link.

After the birth of her child in Kenya, the U.S. teenage mother is supposed to return to Hawaii without her child, or fly directly to Washington State, or fly to Washington State via Vancouver, Canada, leaving the child with the natural father’s family in Kenya and restart her life back in Hawaii and/or in college in Washington State minus the child … and go to college, re-starting her life anew. In 1961, a pregnant teenage girl giving up a child to restart their lives anew was not unusual.

But nature and maternal instincts throws the plan a curve ball. Maternal instincts kick in and mother cannot leave the baby in Kenya, either due to pure maternal instincts or in seeing the poor conditions in Kenya that her child would be raised in with a mostly absentee father over there. Thus she changes her mom’s plan and she takes the baby and Kenyan hospital birth certificate issued by the Mombasa Hospital to the American Embassy or consulate in Kenya and shows them the Kenyan Birth Certificate for her child and “explains” the baby was born unexpectedly in Kenya while there visiting her “husband’s” family. U.S. officials then stamp her passport as traveling with an infant child.

Mother gets on plane or ship carrying the child and travels back to Hawaii and appears at the airport or port upon arrival with the new baby in tow, or to Washington State, or to Vancouver, Canada, and calls her mother in Hawaii telling her what she did, much to the shock of her mother, the child’s U.S. grandmother. Baby easily is passed through U.S. entry officials due to the U.S. Embassy stamp on mother’s passport and the supporting Kenyan birth certificate showing her, a U.S. citizen, is the mother, or Obama’s mom brings him across the border from Vancouver, Canada, to Washington State to start college in the fall of 1961.

The date of arrival back in the USA is on or about 4 Aug 1961. Obama II would likely be a few weeks old by that time putting his real date of birth sometime in mid or early July 1961 in Kenya.

Child’s U.S. grandmother is very much beside herself at this change in plans by her daughter, the mother of the child. The child’s grandmother then knowing or learning from legal advisers how lax Hawaiian birth registration laws were in 1961, then cooks up a plan and scheme with the child’s mother, to lie to Hawaiian officials and swear and sign an affidavit at the birth registry office that the child was born in Hawaii at home on 4 Aug 1961, the circa date of return to the USA and not the real date of birth, with no witnesses but them, in order to get the child U.S. citizenship (a highly desirable status) to make future travel and life easier on the family and new child.

They committed this fraud and lie and cover-up simply to gain U.S. citizenship for the child, a highly coveted status for any child, not knowing that this child might someday grow up and try to become the President and thus risk having their fraud, plans, and lies exposed.

Birth registration office then routinely issues the announcements to the two newspapers, as was the office’s custom at the time, i.e., to send the papers lists of babies birth registrations, of the birth event which at its source was only based on the false sworn testimony of the grandmother or mother.  If the mother was not in Hawaii at the time, the grandmother may have even forged Stanley Ann (nee Dunham) Obama’s signature on the affidavit since there is no independent corroborative evidence that Stanley Ann Dunham Obama was even in Hawaii in Aug 1961. There are on pre-natal care records or post-natal care records for Obama with any doctor, nurse, or mid-wife in Hawaii. There is no record of Stanley Ann Dunham Obama being in HI or anywhere in the USA from circa the very early spring of 1961 until she shows up in Seattle WA with her infant child in late Aug or early Sep 1961. Thus the birth notices in the newspapers are not independent data; they came from the same source, the false sworn statements from the mother and/or grandmother that the child Obama II was born in Hawaii, that is – registered as born at the grandparents home in HI with no independent third-party witnesses or medical attendants, when he was actually not born in HI. HI birth registration laws were so lax back then that this was easily done.  Few if any would question such a registration back then.

Thus under this narrative the birth records in the vaults in Hawaii may be simply sworn affidavits of the mother and grandmother saying Obama was born at home with no witnesses, all based on lies and fraud, which seems to be a common occurrence with Mr. O’s entire life. Obama’s birth may be REGISTERED as having occurred in Hawaii, but he was not physically born there.  And any current information currently in the records of the Health Dept in HI may have been added via later amendments upon Obama’s adoption by Lolo Soetoro or amended by Obama himself as a politically well connected adult (a U.S. Senator).  Such adult amendments would permitted by law to correct or “flesh out” the original limited (and likely falsified) record, especially from an adult with a powerful law firm backing his political aspirations and to help him.  Or as has been alleged by many, when Obama sought high political national office, additional forged documents were secreted into the HI Health Dept records to protect Obama the presidential contender to cover-up his birth registration fraud and other birth registration and certificate fraud that is alleged to be going on in HI similar to what was uncovered and exposed in Hudson County NJ.

Also there is this to consider, a couple years into Obama II’s early life, he may have been legally adopted by Lolo Soetoro in Hawaii (with those records hidden to us like many other records for Obama).  Lolo was the 2nd husband of Stanley Ann Dunham Obama.  Thus, Obama’s legal name of record in the Hawaiian system is now still Barry Soetoro or Soebarkah, or something else.  Thus Obama cannot show the world what Hawaiian authorities are sending him and thus the need to forge and alter documents before proffering them to the world via the internet images to conceal from the public what was in the original records and how they got there AND the fact that there have been amendments made at various times. Possibly he was quietly and secretly working to have his named changed back to Barack Hussein Obama II in the Hawaii birth records system circa 2007-2009 – even having an amended birth certificate entered into the Hawaiian Health Department system to support Obama’s own self-created life narrative.  That would allow the HI authorities to say in a carefully parsed and worded statement that the “birth records” in their possession match the data that Obama has put out. It may now match for key points in Obama’s created life narrative, but it did not prior to Obama probably amending his birth records in the HI system (i.e., whatever original was filed in 1961 and subsequent adoption changes made a few years later). He likely decided to file the amended birth record after he decided to run for President.  Thus one would expect to find more than one amendment of the his original birth registration which was likely a falsified registration using the very lax birth registration laws in HI.  Also notice that the HI authorities never say that the PDF document on the White House servers is an identical 100% true and correct copy of exactly what they have in their birth record system in HI. The HI authorities are into this cover-up for Obama up to their eyeballs but they still are trying to maintain plausible deniability by carefully parsing their statements and letters to those who inquire and those that they choose to answer and not just ignore.

Members of Kenya’s Parliament state on the record and it is recorded in the Assembly Minutes that Obama was born in Kenya

When the truth and facts do finally come out, it will be interesting to see how close this suggested narrative using the facts, data, statements, which we now have access to from two sides of the world, which I have analyzed as an experienced genealogist and composed this narrative to fit that data in hand thus far, actually fits the reality of what happened back in the spring and summer of 1961.

This suggested narrative is thus hereby offered to the world to explain events and facts as revealed thus far.  It is subject to change as new facts emerge. Questions, comments, and feedback are welcome … OBOT  [Obama Zombie Robot, aka OZBOT] disinformation and misinformation spreading types excepted of course. The OBOTS are reminded to re-read the blog rules near the bottom of the right frame.

Get a PDF file and printer friendly copy of this report here:

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Lehigh Valley PA USA

See the following list for more reading, listening, and viewing regarding the Obama birth place narratives and questions about Obama’s constitutional eligibility to serve as President and Commander in Chief:

1. Neil Abercrombie the former U.S. congressional rep from Hawaii and at the time of this audio was Governor of the State of Hawaii told a radio show host that he has searched diligently in the Hawaiian birth registration records as he promised during his campaign but he cannot find a copy of Obama’s birth certificate in their records system:

2.  A radio show appearance I did back in August 2009 in which I explained much of the above on air to Bill Cunningham as I had it formulated in my mind then which is of course updated above: CDR Kerchner (Ret) on Bill Cunningham Show – WLW 700 Cincinnati OH – Aug 2009

3.  Obama’s “short-form” Certification of Live Birth (COLB) placed online in June 2008 is a computer created forgery:

4.  Obama’s “long-form” Birth Certificate and other key identity documents are forged per Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio “cold case posse” investigation:

5.  Of course no matter where he was born he can never be a “natural born Citizen” of the United States since his father was a foreign national, not even an immigrant, and never a Citizen of the United States.  Read why here: Citizen at Birth” is not logically identically equal to a “natural born Citizen at Birth

6. Read, download, and print a PDF copy of this White Paper by CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) about the “natural born Citizen” term and presidential eligibility clause in Article II of our U.S. Constitution here:

“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation without knowing how it happened.” Ronald Reagan alerting us to Norman Thomas’ and the socialist/progressives’ long-term stealth agenda to transform the USA from a constitutional republic into a top-down, central controlled, socialist form of government.