O’Keefe Media Group Uncovers Who is Really Running the White House – Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton

MUST SEE: O’Keefe Media Group Uncovers who is Really Running the White House – Special Advisor Reveals That Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Are Still Involved Behind The Scenes! (VIDEO) | by Jordan Conradson | @ TheGateWayPundit.com

Tyler Robinson, a special advisor at the United States Small Business Administration (SBA), recently revealed to an O’Keefe Media Group undercover journalist the inner workings of the Biden Administration and who is really running the White House.

Robinson says he reports to Arthur Plews, SBA Chief of Staff, who reports to SBA Administrator Isabel Casillas Guzman. … continue reading the full article and watch James O’Keefe’s undercover video interview exposing what we all suspected for a long time at this link: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/must-see-okeefe-media-group-uncovers-who-is/

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Remember this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI2Xtqd4Mts

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Author: Natural Born Citizen

The Obama Fraud Still Matters, and It Always Will | by Bob68 | @ThePostEmail

The Obama Fraud Still Matters, and It Always Will – My opinion of The Obama Fraud from observation over the years | by Bob68 | @ ThePostEmail

by Bob68, ©2024

(Mar. 5, 2024) — Democrats and many Republicans are desperate to prevent Trump from being elected again.

Since 2009, those complicit in The Obama Fraud did and said nothing to stop the Brennan- and CIA-groomed, ineligible, identity-fraud con-artist Barack Hussein Obama from being sworn in by John Roberts. Both parties committed treason and violated their sworn oath to protect the Constitution. With that inaction, both parties gave America’s government and her military to her enemies at the highest level.

President Trump represents a chance of that treason being fully revealed and acted upon. Hillary was the planned-and-promised-after-Obama cover president, and when she failed to defeat Trump, both parties were desperate to remove him from office as quickly as possible. They fabricated “Russian collusion,” leading to a big-time investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, then impeachment. When that did not work they stole the 2020 election to remove Trump and replace him with Joe Biden, who just happened to be Obama’s vice president and aware of what and who Obama really is. … continue reading at: https://www.thepostemail.com/2024/03/05/the-obama-fraud-still-matters-and-it-always-will/

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CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Author: Natural Born Citizen

No, The Constitution Does Not Allow Children Born Of Non-Citizens To Become President Of The United States | by Paul Ingrassia

No, The Constitution Does Not Allow Children Born Of Non-Citizens To Become President Of The United States | by Paul Ingrassia | @ TheGateWayPundit.com

Nikki Haley, the daughter of two non-citizens, is patently ineligible to serve as President or Vice President under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution

The following analysis is a detailed response to critiques of an article I wrote earlier this month that garnered national attention, and was even Truthed by President Trump, shedding light on Nikki Haley’s ineligibility to serve as President or Vice President under the Constitution. My article was published originally on my Substack and American Greatness, and was titled “The Constitution Absolutely Prohibits Nikki Haley From Being President Or Vice President.” As A Threshold Matter, Nikki Haley, The Daughter Of Two Non-Citizens, Must Provide Proof That Her Parents Were Lawful Residents When She Was Born

As we head into the New Hampshire Republican primary, the presidential field has consolidated around three major candidates: Donald Trump, the frontrunner by wide margins, Nikki Haley, and Ron DeSantis. With Vivek Ramaswamy’s distant fourth place finish in Iowa and subsequent endorsement of the 45th President, Trump’s edge in New Hampshire looks insurmountable.

Recent polling suggests that he commands an outright majority of all New Hampshire GOP voters, meaning that even if all the remaining candidates dropped out and rallied around a single challenger to Trump, their collective effort would still fail – without, perhaps, outside help from Democrats and Independents. With recent reports that Ron DeSantis’ War Room has been dissolved, and all the staff being laid off in the aftermath of Iowa’s disaster, it seems to have proven true Nikki Haley’s post-Iowa declaration that the Republican Primary has now become “a two person race.” … continue reading at: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/no-constitution-does-not-allow-children-born-non/

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I also recommend that the reader see my prior blog post on a very germane idea and suggestion that all candidates for the highest political office(s) should have to do: https://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/2023/05/07/transparency-requirements-for-candidates-for-president-and-vice-president-more-is-needed-in-our-modern-electoral-process-filing-the-oge-financial-disclosure-form-278e-is-mandatory-the-opm-na/

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Author: Natural Born Citizen

Interview on Obama’s Birth Certificate

Interview on Obama’s Birth Certificate | Zach DeGregorio of WolvesAndFinance.com and Sharon Rondeau of ThePostEmail.com

YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2WlSOjNAhc

Article About Interview Here: https://www.thepostemail.com/2024/01/11/the-post-emails-interview-with-zach-of-wolvesandfinance-com/

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Regarding Obama’s forged short-form Certification of Live Birth used by Obama and his campaign beginning in June 2008 and the forged long-form Certificate of Live Birth put out in April 2011, see the videos proving both documents are computer generated forgeries by the graphics expert Dr. Ron Polland, aka Dr. Polarik: http://www.youtube.com/@TheDrRJP

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Author: Natural Born Citizen