Bill O’Reilly on His Current ‘No Spin News’ Show Says He ‘Put That Birther Thing Right Out The Window’ on His 12 Apr 2011 ‘The Factor’ Show on Fox News

(22 Apr 2023) — Bill O’Reilly on his current ‘No Spin News’ TV show on ‘The First TV‘ streaming TV network bragged on his Thursday show that he “put that birther thing right out the window” back on his 12 Apr 2011 ‘The Factor’ TV show on Fox News. As a key influencer back then, did he help the two major national political parties and the political establishment “put” a key national security term in our U.S. Constitution totally “out the window” with it?

The recent show in which he said that was ‘Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News’ hosted by Bill O’Reilly. It first aired on Thursday 20 Apr 2023 and was re-aired on Saturday 22 Apr 2023.

O’Reilly’s show airs on The First TV streaming TV network and service. You can listen to the show on podcast via his show playlist at this link:

Look for the show dated 20 Apr 2023 which is about 46 minutes long and which title starts with “An Interview with House Speaker … “. The show covered multiple subjects. It first aired on Thursday 20 Apr 2023 and was re-aired Saturday 22 Apr 2023.

A little more than half way into the show, O’Reilly started discussing statements made by Maureen Dowd in her recent column in the NY Times about the “racist birthers”. And as part of discussing the NY Times and Dowd’s column, O’Reilly made his statement about “that birther thing” starting at about 26 minutes 25 seconds into the show.

See this link for the short audio clip I captured where he said it:’Reill-y-Says-On-No-Spin-News-Show–He-Threw-Birther-Thing–Out-The-Window-In-2011.mp3

I personally sent information to him back in Apr 2011 when he first made that claim on his show The Factor on the Fox News Network. And likewise today when his Thursday show was re-aired, and when I heard what he said and he aired that segment from his Fox New show during his The First TV network show, I immediately sent him a tweet disputing his statement of the veracity of the usefulness of those two newspaper ads to prove anything about Obama’s early life narrative and included a link to a suggested narrative to explain to him how those newspaper ads were not dispositive in proving Obama was physically born in Hawaii.

Those ads were actually placed by the Hawaiian Health Department based on information provided to them via the birth registration system. The Hawaiian birth registration laws and process were very loose back then. Those newspaper ads were not and are not primary independent source evidence of a physical birth in Hawaii. They are only evidence of a birth being registered in the Hawaiian Health Department system.

Those newspaper ads are a secondary and dependent piece of information which was totally dependent on what was given to the Hawaii Department of Health. And that department was operating under Hawaiian laws that were very lax as to what they accepted for registration of an alleged birth in Hawaii. No hospital or medical person’s statement was necessary to register birth. Any person could register a birth as occurring in Hawaii. Here is an example for the President of China who was born in China but later obtained a Hawaiian birth certificate:

Here is the link to a suggested narrative article to explain those two newspaper ads and Obama’s duplicitous early life narrative that I first wrote back in 2009, and updated in 2012 and 2019, that I sent to Bill O’Reilly tonight:

As in the past, I suspect Bill O’Reilly will totally ignore any evidence as to the lack of usefulness of those two newspaper ads to conclusively prove that Obama was physically born in Hawaii since it disputes his personal mindset on the issue and the partial and limited fact finding effort he expressed on air on the Fox News show The Factor back on 12 Apr 2011. He did not explain the birth registration process in Hawaii and how lax they were in 1961 when Obama’s birth was registered as occurring there even though he physically could have been born anywhere in the world under Hawaiian laws in effect at that time. Again, those newspaper ads are not dispositive and not solid proof of anything.

I wonder if Mr. O’Reilly realizes now what he allowed to happen to our country when to use his wording “he helped put the true meaning and original national security intent and purpose of the ‘natural born Citizen‘ term in the presidential eligibility clause of our U.S. Constitution out the window” too.

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)

P.S. A couple of questions, thoughts, and facts to ponder and think about in the revisiting of history, disinformation, and the re-writing of history regarding the “birther thing” — Question: A historical rewrite example as background –which political party operatives helped found and strongly supported the racist Klu Klux Klan organization and Jim Crow laws? Answer: The Democratic Party. But who do the talking heads in the mainstream media and writers at the NY Times call racist and blame now? Question: Fast forward to late 2007 & early 2008 — which political party operatives floated the now racist labeled and charged “birther” narrative regarding Obama’s true physical place of birth being questioned? Answer: Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Party which was controlled by her campaign operatives in early 2008. But who do the talking heads in the mainstream media and writers at the NY Times call racist and blame now?

P.P.S. Read, download, and print a PDF copy of this White Paper by CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) about the “natural born Citizen” term and presidential eligibility clause in Article II of our U.S. Constitution here: and/or get a copy of my new book on the constitutional term “Natural Born Citizen” via:

Multiple Sources Have Reported Obama Was “Born in Kenya” | by Sharon Rondeau

Multiple Sources Have Reported Obama Was “Born in Kenya” – WHAT IS THE TRUTH? | by Sharon Rondeau | @

(Sep. 20, 2019) — A blog post at “Indonesia Matters” dated November 6, 2008 states that “Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama” was “democratically elected President of the US” on that date.

The writer then illustrated what he/she believed to be Obama’s “Indonesia link” by recounting the narrative that as a six-year-old boy, “Obama” relocated to Indonesia with his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham Obama, due to her marriage to Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian citizen.

Just before detailing Obama’s reported connection to Indonesia, the writer stated:

Barrak Hussein Obama II was born to a white American Ann Dunham and Kenyan Barrak Hussein Obama Snr, in Nyang’oma Kogelo now in Kenya.

As we reported earlier this week, on June 27, 2004, The (Kenya) Sunday Standard declared then-U.S. Senate candidate “Barrack Obama” as “Kenyan-born.”  Subsequent references to Obama’s origins at the same outlet show that Obama’s birth narrative was changed to say he was “born in Hawaii” beginning in 2008.

Our featuring of The Standard‘s article generated much discussion and link-sharing both supporting and refuting the claim of Obama’s “Kenyan” birth. … continue reading this article at:

[Editor’s note:  No matter where Obama was born he was NOT and never will be constitutionally eligible to be the President and Commander in Chief of our military since he is not a “natural born Citizen” of the United States – his father was a British Subject who was in the USA on a student visa and was not a U.S. Citizen when Obama was born and never was a U.S. Citizen, nor even an immigrant to the USA. Obama was not born with sole allegiance and unity of citizenship to the USA. His core allegiance was to globalism and not solely to the USA. Obama usurped the office of President and Commander in Chief for 8 years and the damage he did to our constitutional republic is still being uncovered each month.]

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A Blast from the Past: A Suggested Narrative – How Obama is Born in Kenya and yet has a Hawaiian Birth Registration Record:

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)

Other suggested reading and viewing on being a “natural born Citizen” of the United States:

1.  A chart which lists and explains the five (5) Citizenship terms used in the U.S. Constitution.

2. Being a “born Citizen” or “Citizen at Birth” is not identically the same as a being a “natural born Citizen”.

3. Read this essay regarding the constitutional term “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. “Natural born Citizens” are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)”. Adjectives mean something.  All “natural born Citizens” are “born Citizens (citizens at birth) but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: 

4. A Euler Diagram which logically shows the kinds of U.S. Citizens and their set and subset relationships:

5. The “Three Legged Stool Test” for being a Natural Born Citizen:

6. Article II Presidential Eligibility Facts:  or 

7. Watch these videos (Parts I and II) by the renowned constitutional scholar Dr. Herb Titus:  and

8. Read, download, and print a PDF copy of this White Paper by CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) about the “natural born Citizen” term and presidential eligibility clause in Article II of our U.S. Constitution here:

Reasons Why the Natural Born Status of Obama has Not Been Pursued by Congress | by Marco Ciavolino

Obama Fails Three Legged Stool Test for “natural born Citizen”. One Leg Missing and Another of Suspect Quality & Reliability. Click on Image for Details

Reasons Why the Natural Born Status of Obama has Not Been Pursued by Congress | by Marco Ciavolino | @

This question comes up in any conversation about this issue: “So if it is so clear, why won’t Congress investigate it?”

What is remarkable about this is that all members of congress, all governors, all state attorney generals, all sheriff’s departments have received a copy of the all the investigative information on a DVD known as the “Sheriff’s Kit.” And almost all of them have been visited by those concerned about the issue. And evidence of fraud is way beyond the standards applied to other issues. See this compilation of research documents:

There are many reasons why no action has been taken:

  1. Fear of Vast Social Unrest: Before Obama declared his candidacy the Secret Service was working on protection scenarios. Subsequently, the concern was and is that any attempt to question Obama’s role and office could result in vast, national, social unrest that would destroy cities across the US.
  2. Fear of a Legal Avalanche: If it was proven that in Obama’s ascent to the presidency many falsehoods were created, and that subsequently, hundreds of elected officials were aware of it, the legal response would crush our country. Nearly anything Obama touched would be challenged.
  3. Fear of Tipping the First Domino: Like point 2, there would be hundreds of officials whose involvement would be called into question who would be called to account for their inaction.
  4. Fear of Disclosure: While more conspiratorial, some have suggested, with good evidence, that the Obama organization collected and used incriminating evidence to influence the outcomes of all challenges to Obama’s Constitutional eligibility.
  5. Confusion about the meaning of the Natural Born Clause: The Constitution simply states, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.” While there has been much debate about the legal definition of “Natural Born,” Obama provided no proof that he met any of the legally accepted standards. What is clear is that since this clause is applied only to the office of president throughout our entire system, and clearly above and beyond other congressional, executive and judicial eligibility requirements, it was deemed very important by the founders.
  6. Creation of the term “Birther”: This was created by the media and rapidly was used to imply generally unfounded and conspiratorial thinking. The many individuals who are working on this issue are solid, respected researchers from a broad cross-section of our society. They should be called, “Constitutionalists” since that is all they are doing, defending the Constitution. Many of their stories are featured in Terry’s book.
  7. The effect of unbelievability: Those who defended Obama rapidly created the narrative of impossibility. It just could not be possible. Yet the evidence concerning this issue is so simple and clear that it leads to the “Fear of Tipping the First Domino” since any acknowledgement would lead to the inevitable investigation.
  8. Nearly complete avoidance by the media: Nearly all seasoned and experienced investigative reporters ignored or dismissed the issue.  At that same time they pursued 100’s of other stories and issues, most of which had little impact on our country. The absence of media interest was translated into a lack of interest of the general public.
  9. A general lack of understanding concerning Constitutional law:  Over the years our form of government has been mis-represented as a democracy, largely by the media. In fact, most people are hard pressed to describe our representative form of government with any precision. The weight and authority that the Constitution represents has been dimished to the point of irrelvance. Therefore most people just don’t see a single sentence as important.  …

Continue reading at:

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Remember this full page ad placed in the Washington Times National Edition back in 2011

The Three Enablers of Obama’s ID Document Fraud, Violations of the Constitution, and Other Crimes – Click on Image to See Whole Ad and More Ads Placed

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Click on image for details
Click on Image for Details about Obama’s Forged Draft Registration Card.

Click on the Image for Details about Obama's Forged Birth Certificate and Selective Service (Draft) Registration Form
Click on the Image for Details about Obama’s Forged Birth Certificate.

Download a “Sheriff’s Kit” package of evidence of Obama ID document fraud at the following link:

Copy of AZ Chief Investigator Michael Zullo’s sworn affidavit attesting that Obama’s ID docs are forged:

Copy of Evidence that Obama’s Selective Service (Draft) Registration Card is forged:

[Sheriff Mack – Obama ID Documents Are Fake!]

[Sheriff Arpaio – Congress Must Act!]

Obama the Enigma: Click on the image to learn more about Obama he does not want you to know.
Obama the Enigma: Click on the image to learn more about Obama he does not want you to know.

The Three Enablers – Click on Image to See This Full Page Ad & Many More

A warning from the past — some conspiracies are very real and are also large and well organized and in process for a long time. Such is the nature of Communist activities in the USA. The target of the seditious political conspiracy we are currently faced with is to destroy our U.S. Constitution, our Republic, our culture, and our military. Remember this quote from history: “We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. … The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst.” Quote by: J. Edgar Hoover former FBI director. Source: Elks Magazine (August 1956).

Marxist/Communists are trained to lie. It’s their modus operandi to deceive their true objectives. Obama is not just a pathological liar, he’s an ideological liar:

Obama lies continually to cover his true nature and objectives. Obama named Liar of the Year. Obama is a secret member of Muslim Brotherhood. They are trained to lie and are using the Islamic principles of TAQIYYA and KITMAN on steroids to hide their anti-American activities.

For more blasts from the past of the pressure brought on Barack Obama over his forged and felony ID fraud see these lists:

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Lehigh Valley PA USA

P.S. Also read this essay regarding the constitutional presidential eligibility clause “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. Natural born Citizens are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: … AND … U S Constitution Article II Presidential Eligibility Facts … AND … Also watch this video by the renowned constitutional scholar Dr. Herb Titus:

New Article by Sharon Rondeau Titled: Has Anyone Heard This about Obama’s Birth Certificate?

forged bc
Click on the Image for Details about Obama’s Forged Birth Certificate and Selective Service (Draft) Registration Form

Has Anyone Heard This about Obama’s Birth Certificate? – a “Two Page Long Form Birth Certificate” | by Sharon Rondeau | @

(Sep. 21, 2017) — Earlier this week, The Post & Email became aware of a Fox News article dated April 27, 2011 which reported that on that morning, the White House released “the forms” called for during the preceding months by then-businessman Donald Trump constituting Barack Hussein Obama’s “long-form” birth certificate.

Amid much media clamor, Trump had publicly demanded that the White House release documentation proving that Obama was born in the United States and was therefore presumably eligible to serve as president in keeping with the U.S. Constitution’s requirement that the chief executive be a “natural born Citizen.”

While Obama claims a birth in Honolulu, HI, a number of mainstream news reports had stated that he was born in Kenya or Indonesia, some of which were altered later to say that he was “born in Hawaii.”

The article, whose only byline is “Fox News,” begins:

Donald Trump, whose popularity as a possible Republican presidential contender shot up after he started questioning the whereabouts of President Obama’s birth certificate, said Wednesday he is “so proud” the president has finally released the forms.

Was there more than one “form?”

On April 27, 2011, NBC News’s Savannah Guthrie claimed to have received a “copy” of the “long-form” birth certificate.  Showing a paper to then-NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams, Guthrie said it contained a “raised seal” which she “felt” in an apparent effort to convince viewers that it was authentic.

That claim has been refuted by the former detective, Mike Zullo, who conducted a five-year investigation into the image under the auspices of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO), then led by Sheriff Joseph Arpaio.

NBC appears to have removed the video of Guthrie reporting on the release of the “long-form” document, leaving only a “rush” transcript from its news archives.

A clip of the video is contained here at 4:36.

Fox News’s Steve Centanni also had claimed to be in possession of a paper copy of the birth certificate image as he reported from the White House that day, referring to a one-page document.  That video appears to no longer be online.

However, a Fox News radio report confirmed that “copies” of Obama’s “long-form birth certificate” were released on April 27, 2011 and displayed a one-page image.

Close to two years ago, The Post & Email contacted both Centanni and Guthrie with questions about the “document” that they reportedly received from the White House but received no response. …

Continue reading this article at:

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Click on image for details
Click on Image for Details about Obama’s Forged Draft Registration Card.

Click on the Image for Details about Obama's Forged Birth Certificate and Selective Service (Draft) Registration Form
Click on the Image for Details about Obama’s Forged Birth Certificate.

Download a “Sheriff’s Kit” package of evidence of Obama ID document fraud at the following link:

Copy of AZ Chief Investigator Michael Zullo’s sworn affidavit attesting that Obama’s ID docs are forged:

Copy of Evidence that Obama’s Selective Service (Draft) Registration Card is forged:

[Sheriff Mack – Obama ID Documents Are Fake!]

[Sheriff Arpaio – Congress Must Act!]

Obama the Enigma: Click on the image to learn more about Obama he does not want you to know.
Obama the Enigma: Click on the image to learn more about Obama he does not want you to know.

The Three Enablers

A warning from the past — some conspiracies are very real and are also large and well organized and in process for a long time. Such is the nature of Communist activities in the USA. The target of the seditious political conspiracy we are currently faced with is to destroy our U.S. Constitution, our Republic, our culture, and our military. Remember this quote from history: “We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. … The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst.” Quote by: J. Edgar Hoover former FBI director. Source: Elks Magazine (August 1956).

Marxist/Communists are trained to lie. It’s their modus operandi to deceive their true objectives. Obama is not just a pathological liar, he’s an ideological liar:

Obama lies continually to cover his true nature and objectives. Obama named Liar of the Year. Obama is a secret member of Muslim Brotherhood. They are trained to lie and are using the Islamic principles of TAQIYYA and KITMAN on steroids to hide their anti-American activities.

For more blasts from the past of the pressure brought on Barack Obama over his forged and felony ID fraud see these lists:

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Lehigh Valley PA USA

P.S. Also read this essay regarding the constitutional presidential eligibility clause “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. Natural born Citizens are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: … AND … U S Constitution Article II Presidential Eligibility Facts … AND … Also watch this video by the renowned constitutional scholar Dr. Herb Titus: