My Summary of The Obama Fraud | by Bob68

My Summary of The Obama Fraud | by Bob68

(18 Sep 2022) – The evil plan to install Obama as America’s putative president was obvious to many people from its beginning.  Almost 100% of the media acted as cheerleaders for Obama and ignored his past because they did not want to learn anything negative beyond what they already knew and if they did they were not going to report it. They just hunkered down and became cheerleaders for, “America’s historic first black president”. Obama quickly climbed in the polls and was soon close to Hillary, who assumed she was a cinch to be the Democrat nominee. I believe Hillary was called to a meeting with Obama, perhaps Biden and even Soros himself, and given an offer she had better not refuse to drop out of the 2008 Democrat primary to insure an Obama win.  She was offered the very important after Obama cover presidency and a lucrative position in Obama’s administration, (Secretary of State). I also believe Hillary understood the offer was one she had better not refuse.

Obama defeated his chosen to lose Republican opposition and was sworn-in by John Roberts. This swearing-in was effectively giving America’s government and her military to her enemies at the highest level without firing a shot. It was similar to surrendering to the enemy after losing a war, but without the death and destruction of a conventional war. The destruction was planned and carried out by enemies of America located within her government. This included Congress, both parties, who did/said nothing to prevent the race-protected Obama from being sworn-in. Once he was sworn-in Obama became both race and ineligibility protected. As a minimum they violated their sworn oath to protect the Constitution and once the ineligible Obama was sworn-in, both parties had to protect Obama to protect themselves.  Donald Trump, who let it be known to the World he did not believe Obama was eligible, was the last person the protectors of the fraud Obama ever wanted as America’s President. Obama’s 8 years of weakening of America were supposed to end with the election of the planned and promised in 2008 after Obama cover president and “finisher” Hillary Clinton. Hillary, after being promised the after Obama cover presidency to drop out of the 2008 Democrat primary was anything but enthusiastic in her campaigning against Donald Trump. I believe she thought there was no way she would be allowed to lose, and certainly never to Obama’s nemesis, Donald Trump.

Hillary was wrong, inadequate Democrat cheating in the 2016 election meant Obama’s nemesis, Donald Trump was President. This was a nightmare for both complicit political parties…Obama had not only lost his cover of Hillary Clinton, he had lost it to the only person both parties feared as president, Donald Trump.

President Trump was kept busy with failed impeachment attempts and bogus investigations and removed from office in the stolen 2020 election. The fear of what Trump knows about Obama is so great that both parties are desperately trying to prevent Trump not only from winning again, but from ever being able to run for president again

There is IMO no mystery about Congress and the hatred (fear) of Trump…it comes from both parties complicity in The Obama Fraud. It mattered when it happened in 2009 and it matters now as all complicit desperately try to maintain the cover of the biggest criminal act against America’s citizens and her Constitution in history…..An enemy plan was carried out to defeat America without firing a shot. The Obama Fraud………………Dangerous times ahead. The choice of the race and ineligibility protected Obama pretty much sealed the deal because once Obama was sworn-in both parties had to protect him to conceal the fact they had given America’s government and her military to her enemies. Crimes do not get any bigger than this and neither do cover-ups. The unexpected victory of Obama’s nemesis Donald Trump revealed the Swamp and the Uniparty………..IMO after that everything moved much more quickly than it would have if Hillary had defeated Donald Trump. The final destination of America, controlled by the far-left, does not include personal freedom for American citizens……………….The Uniparty continues and so does the cover-up of The Obama Fraud……the Swamp………..

IMO reason number one for the panic from all complicit in The Obama Fraud is because a second term of President Trump must not be allowed…….because the truth about Barry could finally be fully revealed and acted on:

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I Believe the Fix Was In for the 2008 Election and The Cover Up is Still Going Strong! The Perfect Storm for a Constitutional Crisis:

More on Obama’s fraud and use of forged and stolen key identity documents at this link:

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)

Other suggested reading and viewing on being a “natural born Citizen” of the United States to constitutional standareds (and how Obama born a British Subject with multiple citizenship, foreign influence, and foreign allegiance claims on him is not one) … see:

1.  A chart which lists and explains the five (5) Citizenship terms used in the U.S. Constitution:

2. Being a “born Citizen” or “Citizen at Birth” is not identically the same as a being a “natural born Citizen”:   or

3. Read this essay regarding the constitutional term “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. “Natural born Citizens” are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)”. Adjectives mean something.  All “natural born Citizens” are “born Citizens (citizens at birth) but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: 

4. A Euler Diagram which logically shows the kinds of U.S. Citizens and their set and subset relationships:

5. The “Three Legged Stool Test” for being a Natural Born Citizen:

6. Article II Presidential Eligibility Facts:  or 

7. Watch these videos (Parts I and II) by the renowned constitutional scholar Dr. Herb Titus:  and

8. Read, download, and print a PDF copy of this White Paper by CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) about the “natural born Citizen” term and presidential eligibility clause in Article II of our U.S. Constitution here:

9. Read the dozen of legal essays and court briefs written by constitutional and citizenship expert Attorney Mario Apuzzo on being a “natural born Citizen of the United States” and the pretenders and usurpers in three major political parties (Democrat, Republican, and Socialist parties) – who invalidly claimed such birth status – at his legal blog:

10. Read online or download and save dozens of historical papers and articles written over time, some over 200 years ago, describing what a “natural born Citizen” of the United States is to constitutional standards:

Open Letter from American Citizen to Barack Hussein Obama

Open Letter from American Citizen to Barack Hussein Obama | by Thomas W. Arnold III | @

April 25, 2022

Mr. Barack Hussein Obama:

On April 22, 2022, a Washington Examiner news article by Paul Bedard titled “Obama:  Most ‘Consequential’ Decision was not Fighting ‘Birther’ Claims”) stated that you and some of your former and/or present staff regret that you did not stand up stronger to “birthers” and more aggressively oppose their so-called “conspiracy theories” about your place of birth and whether or not you were/are a Muslim.  Oh, really!  Personally, I (an unashamed “birther”) believe that getting into some kind of contentious political skirmish over your background would have absolutely been the wrong thing for you to do (then or now).  You wouldn’t have a chance of winning!  Why not?  Continue reading, and I think you will find out. ….

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CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)

How Durham Bombshell Made a ‘Birther’ Out of Me – by Jack Cashill

How Durham Bombshell Made a ‘Birther’ Out of Me | by Jack Cashill @ American Thinker

Upon reading special counsel John Durham’s 27-page indictment of attorney Michael Sussman, I found myself asking, “Is there anything Perkins Coie lawyers would not do to keep their Democratic clients in power?” Thanks to Durham, we know they launched a cyberwar against candidate Donald Trump that makes their work on the Steele dossier seem half-hearted. What we need to know is whether their work in producing Barack Obama’s birth certificate was any more legit than these other misadventures.  

As to Sussman, he stands accused of lying to the FBI, “to wit, on or about September 19, 2016, the defendant stated to the General Counsel of the FBI that he was not acting on behalf of any client in conveying particular allegations concerning a Presidential candidate, when in truth, and in fact, and as the defendant well knew, he was acting on behalf of specific clients, namely, Tech Executive-I and the Clinton Campaign.”

Durham could have summed up the charge in a page. Instead, he spent 27 pages outlining the skullduggery behind the deep state war on Donald Trump. According to Durham, Sussman worked with at least three high-tech firms, two university researchers, and several media outlets on a cyber smear campaign against candidate Trump that dwarfed the Steele dossier both in scope and in sophistication. … continue reading at:

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To Jack Cashill et al, see — Blast from the Past: A Suggested Narrative – How Obama is Born in Kenya and yet has a Hawaiian Birth Registration Record:

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Lehigh Valley PA USA

Collin Powell, You are Not Telling the Truth | by Sharon Rondeau

Collin Powell, You are Not Telling the Truth | by Sharon Rondeau | @


by Sharon Rondeau

(Jun. 7, 2020) — Dear Gen. Powell:

On Sunday morning, much was made of your revelation that you will not be voting for Donald Trump in November.  That does not come as a surprise since you voted for the “transformational figure” known as “Barack Hussein Obama,” a Democrat, twice, and were at odds on occasion with President George W. Bush, the Republican president under whom you served as secretary of state.

Predictably, as if in lockstep, the media rewarded you for toeing the line against a president it despises, punctuating a week in which your former military colleagues pummeled him in what appears to be an orchestrated undertaking to limit his tenure in the Oval Office to one term.

Was “Obama” adequately “transformational” for you?  During his eight years in office, we saw economic devastation during what would become a ten-year recession; the closure of auto dealerships at a whim, contributing to growing unemployment; socialized medicine forced upon us in which the promise that we could “keep our doctor” was proven false; the downing of Extortion 17 in the largest Navy SEAL Team Six loss in U.S. history; numerous domestic terror attacks amid the denial that radical Islamic ideology was the cause; the Justice Department spying on journalists and the CIA spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee; the NSA spying on Congress and Israeli leaders; the needless loss of four American lives in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012; $400 million in cash, followed by another $1.3 billion, sent in the dead of night to the Iranian mullahs without congressional approval or even knowledge; a decimated military; rising racial tensions and deteriorating police-community relations; and a demoralized populace.

When you told Jake Tapper that you took umbrage with Trump’s “insulting” of the late Sen. John McCain, did you consider McCain’s role in circulating the now-infamous Steele dossier which led to the 2+-year Russia “collusion” investigation targeting Trump and his 2016 campaign aides?  You know, or should know:  the FBI’s bogus “collusion” allegations followed by a $40 million “Special Counsel” probe which tore apart the nation, ruined lives and careers, and sent people to prison as collateral damage?  Would it not have been grating to you, as president, that McCain, another Republican for whom you did not vote, cast the deciding vote to prevent the “Obamacare” repeal that Trump and Senate Republicans sought?

Your opening words to Tapper, “We have a Constitution,” ring hollow, as your obvious modus operandi was to join the chorus of retired “Deep State” generals to influence public opinion in favor of a big-government, now-confused, incoherent woman- and child-groping plagiarist who reportedly knew about the ill-conceived “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation in which FBI agents and DOJ officials attempted to sabotage a presidential election and administration.  …   continue reading at:

Also see this additional article re Collin Powell by Joseph DeMaio:  Collin Power, Reporting for Duty – The Definition of Propaganda:

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Click on image for more historical and constitutional information about who is a “natural born Citizen” and who is not

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)

Other suggested reading and viewing on being a “natural born Citizen” of the United States:

1.  A chart which lists and explains the five (5) Citizenship terms used in the U.S. Constitution.

2. Being a “born Citizen” or “Citizen at Birth” is not identically the same as a being a “natural born Citizen”.

3. Read this essay regarding the constitutional term “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. “Natural born Citizens” are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)”. Adjectives mean something.  All “natural born Citizens” are “born Citizens (citizens at birth) but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: 

4. A Euler Diagram which logically shows the kinds of U.S. Citizens and their set and subset relationships:

5. The “Three Legged Stool Test” for being a Natural Born Citizen:

6. Article II Presidential Eligibility Facts:  or 

7. Watch these videos (Parts I and II) by the renowned constitutional scholar Dr. Herb Titus:  and

8. Read, download, and print a PDF copy of this White Paper by CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) about the “natural born Citizen” term and presidential eligibility clause in Article II of our U.S. Constitution here: