Soros and liberal groups seeking top election posts in battleground states | by Chuck Neubauer | @ The Washington Times

Soros and liberal groups seeking top election posts in battleground states | by Chuck Neubauer | @ The Washington Times

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With control of the elections in the hands of far left George Soros backed Secretaries of State, election fraud will be massive in 2012, even surpassing what it was in 2008. Soros backs ACORN and SEIU connected folks to run for Secretary of State to keep the voter rolls polluted with dead people, illegal aliens, people registered in more than one state, and other type ineligible people on the voter rolls to allow double voting by their operatives and extra voters that should not be on the rolls in the first place.  And early voting gives the cheats much more time to double and triple vote and move their election fraud resources from one place to another to defraud the legitimate vote.  SDS type motivated students vote on campus and then have time to go to their home state and vote again.  Everyone should vote on one day and only one day.  Early voting should be eliminated.  It facilitates and makes much easier voter fraud.  The more time the crooks, criminals, and voter cheats have the more crimes will be committed.  Think … “Al Franken” close election and fraudulent vote counting and selective vote recounts times 10.  To paraphrase someone, I believe it was Uncle Stalin … it’s not who votes but who counts the votes that matters.

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)