“Who Was Karl Marx?: The Men, the Motives and the Menace Behind Today’s Rampaging American Left” by James Simpson

A must read. A very good book about the Culture War and the manipulation of the meaning of words, speech, language, infiltration of all the major institutions of our culture, and other tactics by the far-left past and present to undermine and subvert the nation’s culture and in the process achieve its political objective to overthrow the constitutional republic form of government in the USA and replace it with a socialist totalitarian government: “Who Was Karl Marx?: The Men, the Motives and the Menace Behind Today’s Rampaging American Left” by James Simpson

The book is a well researched , well written, easy to read book about the cast of characters in history (and those in the present generation too) who are orchestrating the great movement to undermine our culture and common sense in the USA in an effort to overthrow our constitutional republic and replace it eventually with a socialist/communist dictatorial central government far beyond and more controlling than what we are experiencing already, which at present is the worst I’ve seen it in our nation in my life time.

I knew many of the names, but not all of them. As you read this book you will see exactly who put forward that particular strategy being used in which circumstances to destroy our culture and country.

The end-goal of the people, past and present, profiled in this book is the complete destruction of America as we have known it. What we are seeing happening is not an accident. We are seeing the end-game of a plan of action that has taken generations to finalize. And permanently finalizing the plan as quickly as possible before too many people wake up and fight back is the Biden, Obama, and Harris agenda.

The book also provides strategies one can use to fight back against this rapidly metastasizing threat to our culture and everything we held dear about our country.

As they say, know thy enemy and his play book. And this book tells us who they were and who their modern disciples of today still are, and their plans, strategies, and modus operandi.

I highly recommend everyone reading this review to read this book. And after you have read it, recommend it to others too. I certainly will.

Pass the word!

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Lehigh Valley PA USA
http://www.scribd.com/user/52640192/protectourliberty/lists http://www.kerchner.com/protectourliberty/naturalborncitizen/TheWhoWhatWhenWhereWhyandHowofNBC-WhitePaper.pdf

“Who Was Karl Marx?: The Men, the Motives and the Menace Behind Today’s Rampaging American Left” by James Simpson

A must read. A very good book about the Culture War and the manipulation of the meaning of words, speech, language, infiltration of all the major institutions of our culture, and other tactics by the far-left past and present to undermine and subvert the nation’s culture and in the process achieve its political objective to overthrow the constitutional republic form of government in the USA and replace it with a socialist totalitarian government: “Who Was Karl Marx?: The Men, the Motives and the Menace Behind Today’s Rampaging American Left” by James Simpson

The book is a well researched , well written, easy to read book about the cast of characters in history (and those in the present generation too) who are orchestrating the great movement to undermine our culture and common sense in the USA in an effort to overthrow our constitutional republic and replace it eventually with a socialist/communist dictatorial central government far beyond and more controlling than what we are experiencing already, which at present is the worst I’ve seen it in our nation in my life time.

I knew many of the names, but not all of them. As you read this book you will see exactly who put forward that particular strategy being used in which circumstances to destroy our culture and country.

The end-goal of the people, past and present, profiled in this book is the complete destruction of America as we have known it. What we are seeing happening is not an accident. We are seeing the end-game of a plan of action that has taken generations to finalize. And permanently finalizing the plan as quickly as possible before too many people wake up and fight back is the Biden, Obama, and Harris agenda.

The book also provides strategies one can use to fight back against this rapidly metastasizing threat to our culture and everything we held dear about our country.

As they say, know thy enemy and his play book. And this book tells us who they were and who their modern disciples of today still are, and their plans, strategies, and modus operandi.

I highly recommend everyone reading this review to read this book. And after you have read it, recommend it to others too. I certainly will.

Pass the word!

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Lehigh Valley PA USA
http://www.scribd.com/user/52640192/protectourliberty/lists http://www.kerchner.com/protectourliberty/naturalborncitizen/TheWhoWhatWhenWhereWhyandHowofNBC-WhitePaper.pdf

“Who Was Karl Marx?: The Men, the Motives and the Menace Behind Today’s Rampaging American Left” by James Simpson

Another new book is out about the Culture War and the manipulation of the meaning of words, speech, language, infiltration of all the major institutions of our culture, and other tactics by the far-left past and present to undermine and subvert the nation’s culture and in the process achieve its political objective to overthrow the constitutional republic form of government in the USA and replace it with a socialist totalitarian government: “Who Was Karl Marx?: The Men, the Motives and the Menace Behind Today’s Rampaging American Left” by James Simpson

I just finished reading this book. It is a well researched , well written, easy to read book about the cast of characters in history (and those in the present generation too) who are orchestrating the great movement to undermine our culture and common sense in the USA in an effort to overthrow our constitutional republic and replace it eventually with a socialist/communist dictatorial central government far beyond and more controlling than what we are experiencing already, which at present is the worst I’ve seen it our nation in my life time.

I knew many of the names but not all of them. As you read this book you will see exactly who put forward that particular strategy being used in which circumstances to destroy our culture and country.

The end-goal of the people, past and present, profiled in this book is the complete destruction of America as we have known it. What we are seeing happening is not an accident. We are seeing the end-game of a plan of action that has taken generations to finalize. And permanently finalizing the plan as quickly as possible before too many people wake up and fight back is the Biden, Obama, and Harris agenda.

The book also provides strategies one can use to fight back against this rapidly metastasizing threat to our culture and everything we held dear about our country.

As they say, know thy enemy and his play book. And this book tells us who they were and who their modern disciples of today still are, and their plans, strategies, and modus operandi.

I highly recommend everyone reading this review to read this book. And after you have read it, recommend it to others too. I certainly will.

Pass the word!

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Lehigh Valley PA USA
http://www.scribd.com/user/52640192/protectourliberty/lists http://www.kerchner.com/protectourliberty/naturalborncitizen/TheWhoWhatWhenWhereWhyandHowofNBC-WhitePaper.pdf

“Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds” by Michael Knowles

A new book is out about the Culture War and the manipulation of the meaning of words, speech, and language by the left to undermine and subvert the nation’s culture and in the process achieve political objectives. “Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds” by Michael Knowles

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My comment:

What we are experiencing has a name. It is derived from its communist, linguist, founder Antonio Gramsci— “Gramscian Gradualism” or “Gramscism”.

What has happened with the redefining of the “natural born Citizen” term in the U.S. Constitution is one prime example of what the linguist and communist Antonio Gramsci suggested in his “Prison Notebooks” writings as the way to undermine the western democracies and their constitutions, i.e., over time redefine the meaning of words and language to help achieve one’s political objective, enabled by long-term infiltration by far-left permanent influencers of the cultural institutions of a nation (and eventual hegemony over them) such as the academia, entertainment industry, churches, court systems, main-stream major media, and other major institutions of the targeted western democracy.

In the prime example of the term “natural born Citizen” the Gramscian Gradualists in both major political parties have abrogated a national security term in the presidential eligibility clause of Article II Section 1 Clause in our U.S. Constitution, and have redefined it (with the help of useful idiots in the Republican Party thinking only on their own political ambitions or political party ambitions) to mean anyone “born a Citizen” even if that Citizen is born with dual-Citizenship and allegiances to a foreign nation, as opposed to what the founders and framers intended, i.e., the “natural born Citizen” requirement was to be a “strong check” against foreign influence on those who would be allowed to serve as Commander-in-Chief of our military forces once the founding generation was gone. The founders and framers considered and rejected the requirement to be only “born a Citizen” to serve as a future President and Commander-in-Chief of our military and instead made the requirement to be a “natural born Citizen“. Read more about that here.

By allowing persons born with foreign influence on them from birth, and bringing said foreign influenced culture of theirs into the highest elected offices of our nation, the President and Commander-in-Chief of our military, we have seen what we get. See the cases of Barack Obama (born a British Subject) as President and CinC, and the Vice Presidency and the current the case of Kamala Harris (born a Citizen of Jamaica). Both did not and do not have allegiance solely and only to America because they also hold allegiance since birth to a foreign country. Both consider themselves to be citizens of the world, and not solely and only to the USA. Both would rather see America and its world power brought down and not built up.

Antonio Gramsci – Italian Marxist philosopher, Communist, journalist, linguist, writer, and politician

We have been dealing with the far-left slow-roll gradualism strategy of Antonio Gramsci to bring down the western democracies including the USA for a long time. Key institutions have been infiltrated and controlled by the far-left organic intellectuals and permanent persuaders, as Gramsci called them, under the Marxist plan which Gramscian gradualists call “The Long March Through the Institutions.”

They’ve been at it for generations, encouraged by other radical leaders and writers such as Rudolph Dutschke and Saul Alinsky, for the last 100 years and are at the apex of their hegemony in the institutions and thus control virtually all of our national institutions. If Trump had not won the election they would have come forward and out of the woodwork and totally taken over under Clinton and moved the nation at a quicker pace to a Socialist one, which status to the Communists is a temporary state, and just one more step towards Communism, which end state they believe is a Utopian form of government. They must be stopped now. We need to learn more about the enemy within and their tactics, projects, and strategy. Know thy enemy! Read what Jeff Carlson summarized. I’ve read lengthy works about Gramsci and what Jeff Carlson summarized about Gramsci is excellent. See: https://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/2020/10/13/gramsci-alinsky-the-left-by-jeff-carlson/

The article excerpted and linked to above by Jeff Carlson is spot-on about Gramsci and a good summary of Gramsci’s long-term political agenda to bring socialism and communism to the western democratic nations. Modern “Progressives” believe in and use his tactics and strategy all the time. And they know what they are “progressing” towards … Socialism … and then in the very long-term Communism.

Learn what Jeff Carlson is sharing in his article and spread it to your friends and associates and anyone and everyone who needs to learn that what we see is happening in our country, and the co-opting and destruction of our institutions and changing the meaning of words in our language, is not an accident. Gramsci was educated as a linguist. He advocated the manipulation of language to further political goals. What we are experiencing is the result of the Gramscian long-term plan all along. We are just the generation at the end point of his long-march strategy in which we see it coming to full fruition and a head.

What we are feeling and seeing now, that we know something is wrong in our country, we can all now understand that it has has a name “Gramscism”. It’s “progress” must be stopped before it is too late. Control of the the House and Senate must be taken away in 2022 from the Democratic Socialist Party lead by Pelosi and her ilk. President Donald Trump must be re-elected in 2024. They tried to cripple him in his first term at every step. Now he knows what he’s up against. He will be the only one with enough power, authority, and courage to take them on if he gets a second term. Give him the opportunity to save our constitutional republic. Take back the House and Senate in 2022. Re-elect Donald Trump 2024.

Norman Thomas stated that what we now see happening in plain sight, would first happen gradually, and in the end people would wonder how it happened: “The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” ~ Norman Thomas ~ Source: http://libertytree.ca/quotes/Norman.Thomas.Quote.FFB1

We now know the name of the communist linguist strategist who gave them all the ideas and tactics of how to do it — Antonio Gramsci. Know your enemy and his play book. Read the new book “Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds” by Michael Knowles.

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Lehigh Valley PA USA