Who is a ‘natural born Citizen’ of the United States to Constitutional Standards?

For more click on the image for the correct definition of "natural born Citizen of the United States" -- CDR Kerchner (Ret)
For more click on the image for the correct definition of “natural born Citizen” of the United States — CDR Kerchner (Ret)

Who is a ‘natural born Citizen’ of the United States to Constitutional Standards?

Read these essays regarding the legal term of art “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. Natural born Citizens are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: https://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/2012/06/20/of-natural-born-citizens-and-citizens-at-birth-and-basic-logic-trees-are-plants-but-not-all-plants-are-trees-natural-born-citizens-nbc-are-citizens-at-birth-cab-but-not-all-cab/ … AND … The Three Legged Stool Test . Read and study the history and facts about the presidential eligibility clause and its history and source at:  http://www.art2superpac.com/issues.html .  Also watch this video re the constitutional term natural born Citizen by the renowned constitutional scholar Dr. Herb Titus — Part I: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esiZZ-1R7e8 and Part II: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoaZ8WextxQ

Obama is NOT one no matter where he was born since his father was a foreign national, not even an immigrant to the USA. See this report on the constitutional eligibility all Presidents of the USA to date.  Obama was born with dual citizenship, British via his father and basic statutory U.S. citizenship at best, and possibly only British Citizenship, depending on where exactly he was born and the age of his mother when he was born.

Obama is NOT a ‘natural born Citizen’ of the United States to constitutional standards. A natural born Citizen of the USA is a person born in the USA to parents who are both Citizens of the USA (born or naturalized) when said child was born and thus the person was born with Unity of Citizenship and Sole Allegiance to the USACruz (born a citizen of Cuba, Canada, and USA), Rubio (born a citizen of Cuba and USA), and Jindal (born a citizen of India and USA) are also NOT natural born Citizens of the United States since they were all born with dual or multiple citizenship and did not have sole allegiance at birth to the USA. They were born with foreign allegiances and thus potential foreign influences on them.

That is exactly what the founders and framers did NOT wish to have occur with future Commanders in Chief of our military forces once they, the founding generation, were gone.  That was specifically the understanding and intent of the founders and framers in inserting the term ‘natural born Citizen’ into the presidential eligibility clause as to who could be President and Commander in Chief of our military once the founding generation had passed. 

The founding generations had a grandfather clause in the presidential eligibility clause exempting them.

People need to read Article II Section 1 Clause/Paragraph 5 of the Constitution to understand that grandfather clause, and understand the stricter requirements placed on future generations, and not be fooled by talking heads and political party leadership putting out misinformation and half truths. No such exemption exists from the natural born Citizen requirement for generations after the founders had passed.

The founding generation had shed their blood to achieve that Constitution.  The founders and framers did not wish some future generation to allow a person to become the President and Commander in Chief of our military forces who had foreign influence at birth due to possible secret access to foreign money, political charm, and/or political party desire and expediency to just put up anyone they desired.  The Constitution was to limit eligibility as to who can be President. It was a restrictive clause not an inclusive clause.

John Jay, a scholar of natural law, who became the first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, is the source of this restrictive clause.  As John Jay conveyed to George Washington in his letter of 1787, it would be a “strong check” on allowing anyone born with “foreign influence” on them from gaining command of our military.

Barack Obama is exactly the example of an individual whose loyalty to the U.S. Constitution is in question.  The founders and framers were very wise in their choice of words they used in the Constitution.

Unfortunately the Progressive/Socialist leaning main stream and major media and leadership of both political parties have actively engaged in misinforming the American electorate and diluting the original intent meaning and understanding of the presidential eligibility clause. And the USA and We the People are paying the price for this every single day.

Hopefully the new Congress will do something such as call for public congressional hearings into the falsified life narrative of Barack Obama and in the process re-discover the true understanding and intent of the founders and framers use of the constitutional term “natural born Citizen of the United States”.

I pray they do before it is too late for what is left of our Constitutional Republic.  CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret), ProtectOurLiberty.org

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[Sheriff Arpaio – Obama ID Docs Fraudulent – Congress Must Act!]

[Sheriff Mack – Obama ID Documents Are Fake!]

Click on image for details
Click on Image for Details about Obama’s Forged Draft Registration Card.
Click on the Image for Details about Obama's Forged Birth Certificate and Selective Service (Draft) Registration Form
Click on the Image for Details about Obama’s Forged Birth Certificate.

Download a “Sheriff’s Kit” package of evidence of Obama ID document fraud: http://www.wheresobamasbirthcertificate.com and/or WOBC2.com

Copy of AZ Sheriff’s Office CCP Commander & Chief Investigator Michael Zullo’s sworn affidavit attesting that Obama’s ID docs are forged: http://www.scribd.com/doc/141560833/

Copy of Evidence that Obama’s Selective Service (Draft) Registration Card is forged: http://www.scribd.com/doc/164956489/

Maricopa County AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Investigative Reports into Obama’s Forged ID Docs: http://www.mcsoccp.org/joomla/

Obama the Enigma: Click on the image to learn more about Obama he does not want you to know.
Obama the Enigma: Click on the image to learn more about Obama he does not want you to know.

A warning from the past — some conspiracies are very real and are also large and well organized and in process for a long time. Such is the nature of Communist activities in the USA. The target of the seditious political conspiracy we are currently faced with is to destroy our U.S. Constitution, our Republic, our culture, and our military. Remember this quote from history: “We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. … The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst.” Quote by: J. Edgar Hoover former FBI director. Source: Elks Magazine (August 1956).

Marxist/Communists are trained to lie. It’s their modus operandi to deceive their true objectives. Obama is not just a pathological liar, he’s an ideological liar: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/12/obama_is_not_a_pathological_liar_he_is_an_ideological_liar.html

Obama lies continually to cover his true nature and objectives. Obama named Liar of the Year. Obama is a secret member of Muslim Brotherhood. They are trained to lie and they using the Islamic principles of TAQIYYA and KITMAN on steroids to hide their anti-American activities.

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Lehigh Valley PA USA

7 thoughts on “Who is a ‘natural born Citizen’ of the United States to Constitutional Standards?”

  1. It isn’t all Barry(Obama), it is those that put him in office. The fed put him in office.

  2. It is not about the puppet Obama, it is about the original Constitution being dead never being activated. Obama and his puppeteers know this and make it and the Birthers a sport of mockery. The Justice Department is not of we the people but is of the 1% ruling criminal class.

  3. Several of the new Congress and Senate members have contacted with letters letting them know we are waiting for them to stand up in the Well of the Peoples House and say there is indisputable proof the man whom calls himself Barack H. Obama, II is a fraud. We SHALL require a special congressional hearing with witnesses as Sheriff Joe, Mike Zullo, Jerome Corsi and several forensic experts will testify.

    Don’t wait for or expect that to happen. Many of us have already received a tap dance as an answer or no response. 2015 will be SOS different year.

    [Editor’s Note: But I and others will still keep trying to get the word out and try to get them to finally stand up in the Well of the House and call out Obama as a fraud: https://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/2014/12/13/mass-mailing-of-dvds-re-sheriff-arpaios-obama-forgeries-findings/ ]

    1. Because I and many believe the whole of the congress has been bought off and paid for, it would be best to make your and our case to the Pentagon. We are going to need them (the must come to us – we will need to give the military the foundation for cause to do this) to lead in establishing civil order, in order to protect us (private citizens) during a reset for how the country/government is to be governed and controlled by the private citizens.
      Just saying.

  4. They can scrub all they want, there are many of US who made copies of all his crap and have saved it in hard paper form. Personally I have about 6 (six) 4 inch binders full of PAPER on Obama or whatever his name is….. all in a safe location far away from my home. I would recommend EVERY PERSON reading this and other info about him make paper copies also.

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