Top anti-‘birther’ confirmed to be ex-Fannie Mae chief — Learn the sordid details of another ‘Obama Robot’ | by Jerome Corsi | @

Top anti-‘birther’ confirmed to be ex-Fannie Mae chief — Learn the sordid details of another ‘Obama Robot’ | by Jerome Corsi | @

Read the full story here:

If you wish to learn more about the various members of the well orchestrated and coordinated Obot (Obama Online Disinformation Robot) online internet operation to spread disinformation and misinformation to cover up Obama’s fraud and criminal activities, see the videos by Tracy at her website:


CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)

Will Donald Trump give the election to Obama? | by Jack Minor | @

Will Donald Trump give the election to Obama? | by Jack Minor | @

Read the Full Article Here:

I agree with Jack Minor. I believe that Donald Trump has been secretly working with the Obama team.  In my opinion, Donald Trump tee’d up the release of the Obama forged long for birth certificate playing the role of the “forcing agent”.  After all Obama could not just simply release his long form birth certificate, forged or not, after spending 3 years and millions of dollars battling not to.  He had to have a dramatic reason to do so. The notoriety of someone like Donald Trump speaking out and calling for the release of the document, which turned out to be a forgery, was the perfect forcing function agent.

Donald Trump never used any of the vast amounts of information and reports sent to him my researchers and experts in the eligibility movement.  His learning curve in his public pronouncements as to the issues about Obama’s eligibility was zero.  And very noticeably, once the long form BC was posted The Donald left the scene … mission accomplished.  The Donald made veiled cryptic remarks about checking its validity but never used his vast resources or persona to get that done.  I think those were CYA type remarks as I believe The Donald knew the plan all along.  If he returns to the political arena as a candidate, I believe it will be as a spoiler to split the anti-Obama vote.  The Donald will talk “birther” but will really be in the race to split off the constitutionalist voters from whomever the Republican Party candidate is, splitting up the anti-Obama vote, and thus insure the re-election of Obama.  I believe that is the Obama and Trump game plan for 2012. Why would Trump do it? What’s in it for him?  One can easily make a list.

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)