Confirmed: Sen Ted Cruz Releases Canadian Birth Certificate – Was a Tri-Citizen at Birth – Did Not Have Sole Allegiance to the USA at Birth – Constitutionally Not Eligible to be U.S. President or Commander in Chief of Our Military

Click on image to learn what a
Click on image to learn what a “natural born Citizen” of the United States truly is. Ted Cruz is not one.
Ted Cruz
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz – citizen of Canada, Cuba, and USA at birth.

Confirmed: Senator Ted Cruz Releases Canadian Birth Certificate – He’s a Canadian Citizen to this Day – Was a Tri-Citizen at Birth – Not a “natural born Citizen” of the United States – He Did Not Have Sole Allegiance to the USA at Birth – Constitutionally Not Eligible to be U.S. President and Commander-in-Chief of our Military

While Ted Cruz was a “Citizen” of the United States at birth via his mother and thus eligible to be a U.S. Senator, he was also a “Citizen” of Canada at birth due to his birth in Canada and a Cuban “Citizen” at birth via his Cuban national father. Thus he was not a “natural born Citizen” of the United States at birth with sole allegiance and unity of citizenship to the United States and thus is NOT constitutionally eligible to be U.S. President and Commander-in-Chief of our military.  Ted Cruz was born with multiple and conflicting legal national allegiances and foreign influences on him via birth. Natural born Citizens are created by natural law and the laws of nature and nature’s Creator, not man-made laws such as USC Title 8 Section 1401 that allows a person born under certain circumstances to obtain a Citizenship Certificate from the U.S. government. Natural born Citizens, due to the facts and laws of nature at their birth, do not need to have a Citizenship Certificate issued by the U.S. government. That Title 8 man-made law does not even have the term natural born in it. Natural born Citizens don’t need said law to be recognized as being Citizens of the United States.  Man-made laws can only create Citizens, not natural born Citizens.  It takes two Citizens with their child born in the USA to create a natural born Citizen per natural law, as codified by Emer de Vattel in his book, Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law which was used by the founders and framers to write the founding documents, which is a person born with sole allegiance and unity of citizenship at birth.  A dual or tri-Citizen at birth is not a natural born Citizen of any country.  If you don’t believe that the “laws of nature” were studied and used by the founders of our country, read the opening paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. 

”   IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.  We hold these truths to be self evident, … 

This nation and its founding documents to justify breaking away from England and to form our new national federal republican form of government were forged under the Laws of Nature and nature’s Creator, not English common law.  At the federal level we broke totally with England and English common law to establish a new nation with limits on federal power to guarantee the unalienable rights granted by nature and nature’s God to ‘We the People’.  Read the following:  Natural born Citizens are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: … AND …  the Three Legged Stool Test for Natural Born Citizen  … AND …  Also watch this video by the renowned constitutional scholar Dr. Herb Titus — Part I: and Part II:

UPDATE 1 – 19 Aug 2013:  News update about Ted Cruz’s citizenship status. Ted Cruz intends to renounce his Canadian citizenship: He can do this to help his current multiple-Citizen legal allegiance issues.  But it won’t change his birth status.  He still is not a “natural born Citizen of the United States” and is not constitutionally eligible to be President.  He was not born in the USA to two parents who were Citizens when he was born.  And we still await to hear from Ted Cruz as to his Cuban citizenship obtained from his father a birth.  Is Cruz renouncing that too? Is he doing that quietly in background since that question has not surfaced as clearly as his Canadian citizenship?  Ted Cruz is constitutionally not eligible to be President and Commander-in-Chief of our military.  And, of course, neither is Obama eligible since he was at best a dual Citizen at birth.  Obama may even be an illegal alien and not a U.S. Citizen at all.  That would depend on the final revealed true facts about his birth place and circumstances and early life, when the truth is fully, finally, and factually revealed due to an investigation conducted under the rules of evidence in a court of law or in a congressional investigation and forensically evaluated paper trail documentary proof is provided – not digitally alterable and altered, PhotoShop’d images on the internet.

UPDATE 2 – 07 Dec 2014:   Questions have arisen recently as to whether Ted Cruz’s mother ever even bothered to file for a Certificate of U.S. Citizenship  for Ted when he was born in Canada and thus perfect and register his U.S. Citizenship.  This is required for children born abroad to a U.S. Citizen to become recognized as a U.S. Citizen by Birth using the required Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA). The family lived in Canada for many years before coming to the USA. Requests to Ted Cruz for a copy of his CRBA issued Certificate of U.S. Citizenship have gone unanswered. Why is Ted not being more open and transparent about this?  See:

UPDATE 3 – 30 Dec 2014:  Other people mentioned and considered for U.S. President who are clearly not natural born Citizens and thus constitutionally not eligible to President and Commander-in-Chief:  Rubio, Jindal, and Santorum.

UPDATE 4 – 05 Oct 2015: See this 1961 U.S. Supreme Court case, Montana v Kennedy, re the importance of the citizenship of the father re Ted Cruz’s presidential eligibility status:

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Lehigh Valley PA USA

“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the veil of indifference to their necessity to continually be “on watch” and at times to stand up and protect our U.S. Constitution from usurpation by progressive/marxist/radical politicians operating in relative secrecy protected by an enabling press and major media … thinking and saying it’s the job of someone else … and living their lives in general apathy about what the national government is up to, they will allow the adoption of every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation without knowing how it happened.” CDR Kerchner (Ret)’s alert and paraphrasing earlier warnings about the socialist/progressives’ long-term stealth agenda to transform the USA from a constitutional republic into a top-down, central controlled, socialist form of government.

6 thoughts on “Confirmed: Sen Ted Cruz Releases Canadian Birth Certificate – Was a Tri-Citizen at Birth – Did Not Have Sole Allegiance to the USA at Birth – Constitutionally Not Eligible to be U.S. President or Commander in Chief of Our Military”

  1. Mr. Kerchner, have you thought about making contact with Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and others like them to educate them on the things that you write about? You are one of the few people that I have noticed who write about the importance of the natural born citizen issue and provide the documentation that proves it. Recently, I received an email requesting I vote on whether Ted Cruz should be a candidate for the office of the Pres. In that email, it asked me to vote

    Sent from my iPhone

    [Editor’s note:] I have written to them multiple times over the last 5 years. None of them have ever replied. The fix is in with the major media and talking heads. They either do not want to talk about it or they have been ordered not to talk about. Glenn Beck and Mark Levin are two who are particularly dismissive of the argument that I and others make, stooping to ridicule and using the same Saul Alinsky tactics as the far left uses and/or hanging up on people when they manage to get a call through to them, past their call screener, on their respective radio shows. The fix is in to forget about the true meaning of the presidential eligibility clause in the U.S. Constitution — lead by both major political parties. Read this essay as to why:

  2. Mr. Kerchner, this is actually a continuation of my previous email to you which I inadvertently sent to you before I had completed the email itself. The point I was trying to make is that I was asked to vote yes or no on whether I think Ted Cruz should be allowed to run for the office of the presidency when he is not a natural born citizen of United States. I voted no because, like you, I recognize that it doesn’t matter who the person is, what color their skin is, how much money they have in their bank account; if they do not meet the minimum criteria to be president of United States, as set forth in the Constitution and in the documents that you reference, then they should not even be allowed to run in the election. At the present time, I am totally disgusted with the people who have the authority to ensure that any presidential or vice presidential candidate meets this criteria before that person is allowed to place his/her name on the ballot. Thank you for your service to our country and keep up the good work!

    Sent from my iPhone

    [Editor’s note] If they wish to weaken the allegiance at birth requirements and allow dual Citizens to be President and Commander-in-Chief of the military they should amend the Constitution as provided therein, not just ignore it.

  3. I can surmise one reason why people are confronting Mark Levin at book signings … he won’t let anyone on his radio show, call ins or guests, to debate him on the “natural born Citizen” legal term of art in the U.S. Constitution. Levin like Beck simply ridicules, tells them to get off his phone, and hangs up on constitutionalists which disagree with his “interpretation” of the term NBC. If the main stream media and talking heads like Levin and Beck would allow constitutional attorneys such as Atty Apuzzo, Atty Herb Titus PhD, or Atty Larry Klayman to be on their shows for an hour or so of fair debate people would not have to confront him in public. Levin also says he has not studied the issue. He was personally presented with a portfolio of information about the NBC issue including the case Minor v Happersett at the CPAC convention in Washington DC two years ago by Capt Pamela Barnett. He told her he hadn’t heard of that case or studied it but he would look at it and the material Pamela gave to him. I was there and witnessed the presentment. I similarly gave copies of the same portfolio to former Atty General Ed Meese and also to Phyllis Schafly. What did Levin and the others do with the material … throw it in a waist can. They certainly have access to vast amounts of material is they wish to study the issue. No, imo, these people are being disingenuous and pleading ignorance as a way of ducking the issue. All we constitutionalists want is a fair and open debate on the NBC issue in all the major media with experts on both sides of the issue allowed to make their case without being shouted down, hung up on, or called names and using Saul Alinsky type ridicule to try and silence people on this issue. But they won’t give us the platform in the major media because they know we are correct. We have the facts and truth on our side as to the founders and framers original intent as to the purpose and meaning of why the NBC clause was put into the Constitution. Both political parties want to ignore the true meaning of the NBC clause in the Constitution rather than properly amend the Constitution because they have not been able to do that to date despite trying several times over the last 10-20 years to redefine it or amend it out. The NBC clause is a national security clause requiring the President to have sole allegiance to the USA at birth. Dual Citizens need not apply. People like Cruz, Obama, Jindal, and Rubio were dual Citizens at birth. They are NOT constitutionally eligible to be President! See these pages for more information: and

    CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret),

  4. [Editor’s comment: Regarding Mr. Reynolds comments below. He should please read the Constitution before commenting about it. In the presidential eligibility clause of the U.S. Constitution the framers specifically included a “grandfather clause” written into it that exempted the founding generation from the “natural born Citizen” requirement. Read this: Second, the Constitution is the law of the land. We are supposed to be a nation of laws not men. We can’t just waive the foundational law for one person just because we like his politics. That is what the far left and main stream media did with Obama and look what we got. I like Cruz’s politics but he is not eligible. From what I know now Senator Lee is eligible. Read this essay also: Regarding the legal term of art “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. Natural born Citizens are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: … AND … The nation should amend the Constitution, not ignore it or waive a part of it just because we like someone. But the presidential eligibility clause is a national security protection clause and I don’t think it should be relaxed or removed. But if 3/4th of the states agreed to remove it, then it can be removed per the constitutional amendment process. But I doubt that will ever happen once the majority of the people really understand what it means and why it was put into the constitution in the first place, … so that the Commander in Chief of our military would be a person with sole allegiance to the USA at birth, for national security reasons. The framers were wise men and Obama is exactly the type of person who does not have sole allegiance to the USA from birth, i.e., he’s a British Subject to this day. And you see what Obama is doing to this nation.]

    Mr. Reynolds commented …

    first off … i think the natural born citizen clause should be revamped and made more clear in its intent. stop and think about this for a minute … was George Washington a natural born citizen? for that matter … were the first 4 presidents natural born by your definition?

    Secondly … the democrats opened the ball for dual citizenship candidates when they ran obama. they KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt that he wasnt natural born … yet they still ran him and won. That in itself should make cruz eligible to run!

    third … Cruz is just about the best candidate we have at this time on the conservative side. he hasnt caved on ANY issue he stood against. he hasnt relented in his attack on the liberal agendas. he hasnt allowed himself to be swept under the rug or bullied by the liberal propaganda front. and he has stayed true to conservative issues at all times. i say lets get behind this guy and run him! he has proven his loyalty to not only this country but also to the CONSERVATIVE agenda. NOT the republican agenda! has any other candidate done this? Lee has … palin has … thats about it. palin was crucified by the dems when she ran with mccain … so she is a white elephant now and will just feed fuel to the dems fire. so … the way i see it is … CRUZ and LEE are our ticket in 2016. they are solid and dependable. they are conservative and loyal to this country. LET THEM RUN!

    [Editor’s comment: Please read the Constitution before you comment about it. In the presidential eligibility clause of the U.S. Constitution the framers specifically included a grandfather clause that exempted the founding generation from the “natural born Citizen” requirement. Read this: Second, the Constitution is the law of the land. We are supposed to be a nation of laws not men. We can’t just waive the foundational law for one person just because we like his politics. That is what the far left and main stream media did with Obama and look what we got. I like Cruz’s politics but he is not eligible. From what I know now Senator Lee is eligible. Read this essay also: Regarding the legal term of art “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. Natural born Citizens are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: … AND … ]

  5. Regarding Mr. Reynolds comments below. He should please read the Constitution before commenting about it. In the presidential eligibility clause of the U.S. Constitution the framers specifically included a “grandfather clause” written into it that exempted the founding generation from the “natural born Citizen” requirement. Read this: Second, the Constitution is the law of the land. We are supposed to be a nation of laws not men. We can’t just waive the foundational law for one person just because we like his politics. That is what the far left and main stream media did with Obama and look what we got. I like Cruz’s politics but he is not eligible. From what I know now Senator Lee is eligible. Read this essay also: Regarding the legal term of art “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. Natural born Citizens are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: … AND … The nation should amend the Constitution, not ignore it or waive a part of it just because we like someone. But the presidential eligibility clause is a national security protection clause and I don’t think it should be relaxed or removed. But if 3/4th of the states agreed to remove it, then it can be removed per the constitutional amendment process. But I doubt that will ever happen once the majority of the people really understand what it means and why it was put into the constitution in the first place, … so that the Commander in Chief of our military would be a person with sole allegiance to the USA at birth, for national security reasons. The framers were wise men and Obama is exactly the type of person who does not have sole allegiance to the USA from birth, i.e., he’s a British Subject to this day. And you see what Obama is doing to this nation. Obama’s core loyalties and allegiance are not SOLELY to the U.S. Constitution and the USA.

    CDR Kerchner (Ret)

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