Article II Super PAC Letter: Demands the Commission On Presidential Debates Enforce the “natural born Citizen” Eligibility Requirements

Click on image for the history and true legal meaning of the constitutional presidential eligibility clause, natural born Citizen.

Article II Super PAC Letter: Demands the Commission On Presidential Debates Enforce the “natural born Citizen” Eligibility Requirements Listed in Their Own Debate Regs and Their Webpage and of course the U.S. Constitution.

Obama skated by them in 2008 but Candidate Obama should not be allowed to skate by this time in 2012, given all the new evidence against Obama, in violation of our U.S. Constitution and the commission’s own rules! Make Obama show his papers, not internet images.  Obama was born a dual-Citizen, and thus can never be a “natural born Citizen” of the United States to constitutional standards.  Make Obama justify in writing and subject to review and critique by constitutional scholars on both sides of this issue how he can be considered to be a “natural born Citizen” to Article II constitutional standards when his father was a foreign national, non-immigrant, non-U.S. Citizen.  This matter should also be referred to Congress for an investigation too.

Read the letter and more here:

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Click on the Article II Super PAC image above for the history and true legal meaning of the constitutional presidential eligibility clause, natural born Citizen, and the U.S. Supreme Court cases and holdings which say that it means born in the country to two U.S. Citizen parents. Obama’s father was not a U.S. Citizen. It is not that a father or mother is foreign born it is whether they both immigrated to the USA and both became a U.S. Citizen and renounced their foreign allegiances before their child was born in the USA.  Rarely made obvious to the public is that Obama’s father was not even an immigrant to this country.  We are a nation of immigrants but Obama’s father was not one. He was never a U.S. Citizen and never wanted to be. Obama Sr. was a British Subject foreign national simply visiting our country to attend college. No other elected President in our history ever had a father who was not an immigrant to our country. Obama II is not constitutionally eligible to be President. Let us not repeat the lack of vetting debacle of the 2008 election and suffer another 4 years under an ineligible, illegal person in the Oval Office.

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Read more about Obama’s Crimes and his Constitutional Ineligibility here:

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Lehigh Valley PA USA

“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the veil of indifference to their necessity to continually be “on watch” and at times to stand up and protect our U.S. Constitution from usurpation by progressive/marxist/radical politicians operating in relative secrecy protected by an enabling press and major media … thinking and saying it’s the job of someone else … and living their lives in general apathy about what the national government is up to, they will allow the adoption of every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation without knowing how it happened.” CDR Kerchner (Ret)’s alert and paraphrasing earlier warnings about the socialist/progressives’ long-term stealth agenda to transform the USA from a constitutional republic into a top-down, central controlled, fascist-socialist form of government.